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The Dogon Tribe: Keepers of the Sirius Mystery

In the heart of Mali, Africa, in 1931, French anthropologist Marcel Griaule ventured into the vast desert, seeking the enigmatic Dogon tribe. What he discovered wasn’t merely a rich tapestry of culture and tradition, but an intriguing connection between the Dogon’s legends and ancient tales from around the world.

The Dogon spoke of the Nomo, divine beings that resembled mermaids or mermen. These otherworldly entities, according to Dogon legends, bestowed upon them an extensive knowledge in astronomy, mathematics, and science. Intriguingly, the Nomo were said to be extraterrestrial, requiring watery surroundings for sustenance, yet they could also venture on land. Their historic descent from the sky, marked by a tumultuous whirlwind of thunder, smoke, and lightning, was termed “the day of the fish.”

However, it was the origin of these Nomo that truly captured global attention. The Dogon claimed these beings hailed from a star that was unknown to the rest of humanity until 1862. While engaged in conversations with the Dogon in the 1930s, Griaule was astonished to learn that the tribe believed the Nomo originated from the Sirius star system. Not from the visibly luminous Sirius A, but its less-known companion, Sirius B, which remains invisible to the naked eye and can only be viewed through high-powered telescopes.

The prominence of Sirius A is well-documented in historical records. Civilizations from Greeks and Persians to Hindus and Romans have revered this star. Egypt based its calendar on it, while also possibly aligning the Giza Pyramids with Orion’s Belt, pointing towards Sirius A. Communities along ancient Nile and Euphrates even structured their settlements to reflect the constellation where Sirius resided.

Sirius, at a distance of 8.6 light-years, stands out as a bluish-white star, indicating its heightened temperature compared to our sun. But the most puzzling question remained: How did the Dogon know of the existence of Sirius B?

The depth of the Dogon’s understanding was astonishing. They were aware of the star’s 50-year orbital period, its density, and the fact that its brightest phase had passed. The tribe also recognized Sirius B’s similarity in size to Earth and its axial rotation. How the Dogon acquired such intricate knowledge without the advanced technology of telescopes is baffling.

Some speculate that perhaps extraterrestrial beings, possibly the amphibious Nomo from Sirius B, shared this wisdom with the Dogon. If this were true, did these entities solely engage with the Dogon, or were there visits to other civilizations? Stories of aquatic knowledge bearers are not exclusive to the Dogon. Legends of “fish people” who educated humanity during the day and retreated to the seas at night echo in ancient Hindu and Greek narratives.

The Dogon’s insights into the Sirius star system are a testament to the timeless wonders of our universe and the possibility that perhaps, just maybe, our ancestors had celestial teachers.


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